What is special about being a nurse at Summerset?

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What's special about aged care nursing?

A wide range of needs

In aged care, you see a huge variety of needs and levels of care. It keeps your work interesting, and will really help grow your experience.

Meaningful Relationships

Our residents are often with us for a long time. So you'll get to know them and their families well, and understand how to support them.

Make a difference

You're not just providing clinical care, you're providing holistic care. You can take a rehabilitation focus, develop care plans, and take care of residents' social needs.

Become a leader

By leading a team of caregivers, you'll gain valuable skills and experience in leadership, coaching and mentoring.

Develop interests

You have autonomy to develop your own set of clinical interests, and opportunities to pursue specialist pathways if that's where you want to take your career.

Professional development

With external training, days assigned to PDRP, and paid days for professional development, you'll grow your clinical skills and move your career forward.

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